All about Blue
Pictured: One-Off Labradorite and Blue Topaz Kusamba Pendant, Swiss Blue Topaz 18K Gold and Sterling Silver Earrings, Opal Trium Bracelet, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Aquamarine and Tourmaline Creeping Vines Ring.
The colour 'Blue' represents calmness, loyalty, and wisdom. Blue is a colour of nature, of gorgeous blue skies and our precious blue ocean. The shade also relates to Silver Scene's early inspirations. When owners, Trudi and Marcus, travelled the world in the early 90s, their adventures included many visits to beautiful, paradise beaches with crystal clear blue waters.
Pictured: One of the many beautiful beaches Trudi and Marcus visited, this one in Bali, Indonesia.
Here at Silver Scene, our blue stones are loved by staff and customers alike. Always a popular colour, we have a gorgeous selection of blue stones just waiting to be a part of your jewellery collection!
Pictured: Labradorite Double Oval Earrings, Labradorite Rectangle Stone Bracelet, Labradorite Swirl Ring, Labradorite Reversible Pendant, One-Off Labradorite and Blue Topaz Branchlet Necklace
Labradorite comes in a variety of colours, with blue being the most common. Treasured for its remarkable play in colour, known as Labradorescence, the flashes of blue when the light hits the stone can be remarkable. The stone is by far one of our favourites at Silver Scene, you will find that most of our staff have at least one, if not many, pieces of Labradorite jewellery.
Labradorite is the birthstone for September.
Labradorite is a member of the Feldspar family. It was first discovered in Labrador, Canada, by Moravian missionaries in the 1770s. The geologists who first mined the stone were astonished by its shimmering appearance. Innuit people believed that Labradorite was the Northen Lights trapped in stones.
The gem is found widely in Paul's Island, which is close to Nian, a town in Labrador. It is also commonly found in Norway, Finland, Madagascar, China, the USA, Australia and Slovakia.
Labradorite is considered a tremendously spiritual stone, especially helpful for people who tend to overwork. It helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. In the metaphysical world, labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. Labradorite is known to offer protection to its wearer. It’s also thought to enhance mental and intuitive abilities. It calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing in new ideas.
Pictured: Blue Topaz and Opal Geo Stud Earrings, Blue Topaz Oval Cratus Ring, One-Off Blue Topaz and Opal Geo Triangle Stud Earrings, Blue Topaz Triangle Necklace.
Blue Topaz comes in 3 different shades of blue; Sky Blue, London Blue and Swiss Blue. Sky Blue is a very pale blue, London Blue is a darker blue tone and Swiss Blue is the bright, electric, more vivid blue of all three and therefore the most sought after. The stone is normally faceted, giving it a beautiful twinkle as the light hits it, perfect for adding colour and sparkle to any outfit.
Blue Topaz is the Birthstone for November.
Blue Topaz has been used in jewellery for over 2000 years. It was once believed that Topaz would protect the wearer from dark magic. In the 12th century Saint Hildegard, a German nun, believed that Blue Topaz could cure blindness by soaking the stone in wine for 3 days and then rubbing it gently on the eyes.
Blue Topaz is a calming stone. It is thought to help with communication, creativity and the ability to express yourself. Great for writers block and to aid with public speaking. It is also thought to help with decision making, promotes concentration and helps recognize truth and wisdom.
Pictured: Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Aquamarine and Tourmaline Creeping Vines Ring, Turquoise Dakota Earrings, Turquoise Triangle Pendant, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Reversible Pendant.
Turquoise is a massively popular stone and has been for years. Instantly recognisable by most due to its opaque turquoise blue colour and black veining, it has been prized as a gemstone and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue.
Turquoise is found all over the world, although we commonly associate it with the American southwest. Long before that, however, turquoise was mined from the Sinai Peninsula, so much so, that the region of Sinai was known as Mafkat (“country of turquoise”) to the ancient Egyptians.
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is a highly sought-after type of Turquoise due to its sky-blue colour and little or no veins, it is only found in the Sleeping Beauty mine in Arizona.
The birthstone for December, Turquoise is one the worlds most ancient gems, used as talismans by kings, shamans and warriors across history. Turquoise has been seen by many civilizations as a sacred stone and used to bring power, luck and protection.
Turquoise is believed to be a most efficient healer. A protective and purifying stone, it dispels negative energy and protects against pollutants in the environment. It assists with problem-solving, calms the nerves, strengthens the mind and brings inner calm.
Pictured: Opal Orla Earrings, One-off Opal Sterling Silver Bracelet, Opal Hinged Pendant, One-off Opal and Tourmaline Geo Ring.
Opal is another Silver Scene favourite. Opal comes in a variety of blue hues, from light blue to dark blue and everything in between. What really makes this stone special though, is the flashes of red, pink, green and yellow that can be appreciated when the light hits the stone. Incredibly hard to photograph, this stone is always seen best with the naked eye, like galaxies trapped in stones, you could spend hours staring into the depths of an Opal.
Opal is the birthstone for October.
Australia produces 95% of the worlds Opals. It is not known exactly how Opal is formed, but many believe it is formed when water from rain seeps down into crevasses in the rock. Once the water evaporates, the silica that is left behind dries out and hardens into precious Opal.
The ancient Greeks believed that Opals were formed from the tears of joy wept by Zeus when he defeated the Titans, and that the Opal bestowed prophetic powers.
Most civilizations see Opal as a lucky stone. In the Middle Ages, it was considered that it could provide great luck as it carried all the virtues of each gemstone whose colour was represented in the opal.
Opals have always been associated with love and passion, it is a seductive stone that intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions. It is believed to stimulate originality and creativity. Wearing opal is said to bring loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity.
Pictured: One-off Larimar and Blue Topaz Penida Pendant and Larimar Hammered T-Bar bracelet.
Larimar is a beautiful sky blue colour with hints of white that reminds us of the crystal clear blue waters of the Caribbean sea.
A unique and fairly ‘new’ stone, Larimar can only be found in the Dominican Republic and was first discovered in 1916 but was quickly forgotten about. It was named by Miguel Mendez, the Dominican who re-discovered it in 1974. He combined his daughters name Larissa and the word Mar, Spanish for sea, creating Larimar.
The only known source for Larimar is the Filipinas Mine in Los Checheses. Larimar deposits surface as hot gasses push crystallized minerals up through the volcanic chimneys or tubes. In most cases, miners must dig deep into the volcanic tubes in search of deposits. Very rarely, it can also be found on the shores of the Caribbean, washed up as alluvial deposits carried down by the Bahoruco River.
Larimar is known to represent peace, clarity, healing and love. It is also known to help with stress and anxiety and brings a feeling of calmness to its wearer. It is an empowering stone, removes self-sabotaging behaviour and assists in taking control of one’s life. It is particularly useful for alleviating guilt and removing fear.
Pictured: Lapis Lazuli Valentina Earrings, Lapis Lazuli Bellona Pendant, Lapis Lazuli Asteria Ring, Lapis Lazuli Acute Triangle Pendant.
Another instantly recognisable stone, Lapis Lazuli, is a dark blue colour with little specs of gold Pyrite. Reminding us of the night sky covered in stars, this stone is loved by many and has been used in jewellery for thousands of years.
Lapis Lazuli is the birthstone for September and the horoscope stone for Sagittarius.
Lapis is primarily mined in Afghanistan and has been for the last 6000 years. It can also be found in Siberia, Chile, the U.S, Pakistan and Canada.
Lapis was highly valued by the Egyptians. The golden sarcophagus of King Tutankhamen was richly inlaid in Lapis. It was used extensively in scarabs and jewellery and also ground into powder for dyes, eye shadow and medicinal elixirs. In Ancient Persia it was the symbol for the starry night, in the Islamic Orient it was used as protection from the evil eye and in Roman times it was used as an ornamental stone. It was even a favourite of the painter, Michelangelo, who used it in his painting, ground into powder it produced an intense, but expensive, ultramarine colour.
Lapis is known as the stone of truth and is thought to positively influence friendships and honesty. Lapis is believed to promote intellectual ability, creativity and help to enhance the memory. It carries positive energy and it helps to overcome trauma, depression and grief.
Pictured: Abalone Shell Earrings, Abalone Shell Studs, Abalone Shell Oval Pendant.
Abalone is a new stone for Silver Scene and we love it!
It is an organic gemstone and is a variety of sea mollusk. It has the same structure as a shell and the thick outer layer is composed of nacre (mother of pearl), adding the iridescent quality.
Abalone mollusks grow by feeding on seaweed; its the different varieties of seaweed that give the gemstone its unique colouring.
It can be found in South Africa, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. The Maori people of New Zealand believe Abalone can bring you luck and prosperity. It's thought to have a divine energy and the spirit of the ocean.
Pictured: One-off Aquamarine Vine Drop Necklace, Aquamarine Double Drop Earrings, Aquamarine Torino Ring.
Aquamarine is a very pale blue colour, to the point where it feels more like a clear stone with a hint of blue. Aquamarine has been a popular stone for thousands of years, decorative jewellery and amulets using aquamarine have been found that date as far back as 500 B.C.
It is the birthstone for March and the traditional 19th wedding anniversary stone. Aquamarine gets its name from the Latin "aqua marina" which means "sea water”.
Believed to be a precious treasure from mermaids, sailors wore aquamarine amulets to keep them safe at sea, ward off seasickness, and protect them from Satan. The Romans believed that aquamarines could cure medical problems with the liver, stomach, and throat. Healers used it to reduce fluid retention and to calm the nerves. In the Middle Ages, this gemstone was used to reduce anxiety and the toxicity of poisons. It was also used to protect against gossip!
Nowadays Aquamarine is believed to be the stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and calms the mind. It filters information reaching the brain and clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, and clears up confusion. It promotes self-expression, soothes fear and increases sensitivity.
Pictured: Blue Topaz and Iolite Astoria Ring, Iolite Oya Earrings, Iolite Yuliya Ring, Iolite and Moonstone Astoria Ring.
Iolite is a dark blue verging on violet colour. The name for Iolite comes from ‘ios’, the Greek word for violet and is commonly known as “water sapphire”.
Iolite is the traditional 21st anniversary gemstone.
Iolite is pleochroic- meaning it transmits light differently when viewed from different directions. The Vikings used this effect by using thin slices of the stone as a light polarizer to navigate their trips. By observing the sky through iolites, the Viking navigators were able to locate the exact position of the sun on overcast days and led to another name used for Iolite, “Viking’s Compass”. Only officially named in 1912, iolite has been used and admired for centuries.
Iolite is thought of as a vision stone. It is believed to aid in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction and helps to express your true self, freed from the expectations of those around you. Iolite is thought of as a stone of the muses, activating the visionary, creative side of the mind, and accessing thoughts and ideas beyond the ordinary. It inspires creative self-expression through writing, song, movement and other artistic endeavours.